Presented by The Committee to Elect Clarissa Harrell for County Court Judge
Paid by Clarissa Harrell for County Court Judge - Group 6
Endorsements from Brevard's community leaders and organizations are pouring in! We extend heartfelt thanks to all of them for their valued support of Clarissa's candidacy:
State Attorney Phil Archer
Church Leader and Retired Law Enforcement Officer Eric Austin
Retired Deputy Chief of the Palm Bay Police Department John Blackledge
Brevard County Property Appraiser Dana Blickley
Thirty-year Law Enforcement Veteran & Community Leader Marlon Buggs
Former Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives Steve Crisafulli
Brevard County Tax Collector Lisa Cullen
Chairman of the Viera East Community Development District Rob Dale
Owner of Space Coast Honda Scott DeMasso
Former Indialantic City Council Member Lori Halbert
Former Cape Canaveral City Council Member Tony Hernandez
Owner of The Hiers Group A.J. Hiers
Former Mayor of Palm Shores Carol McCormack
Mayor of Palm Bay Rob Medina
Titusville City Council Member Jo Lynn Nelson
Retired Brevard County Sheriff Jack Parker
Former Mayor of Cocoa Henry Parrish III
Owner of Perrone Realty Ralph Perrone
Former Mayor of West Melbourne Hal Rose
Business Leader & Owner of Bansbach Easylift of North America Robert Rose
Retired Law Enforcement Commander, Dean of Public Safety, & Director of Law Enforcement Academy Steve Salvo
Chair of the Brevard County Commission Jason Steele
Melbourne City Council Member Tim Thomas
The Trailblazers of Tomorrow
United Christians of America
Retired Brevard County Sheriff Phil Williams
Please visit the Endorsements page on this site to read some of their remarks, as well as the endorsements of MANY others who have worked with Clarissa over the years and who otherwise know her well!

Clarissa Harrell for County Court Judge
Bringing Experience and Enthusiasm
For 30 years Clarissa Harrell has been in the trenches of Brevard courtrooms trying to make a difference in the lives of this county's citizens. She has immersed herself in some of the most intense litigation known to attorneys: prosecution of violent crimes and crimes against children; termination of parental rights to pave the way for adoption in cases of severe child abuse and neglect; and navigation of complex family law child custody and financial matters.
She is ready to carry the wisdom gained from these endeavors to the judicial bench. Her goals are to make a difference in our community's quality of life; to positively impact the life paths and decision-making of litigants through fair and effective rulings; and to give attorneys an ideal courtroom work environment to best serve their clients.
Your valued, much-appreciated vote can help make this mission happen!
** Please note the horizontal tabs on the top of this page linking to information about Clarissa's Legal Experience, Community Involvement, Professional Engagement, Education, Family Background, and more. If you are visiting this home page on a mobile device, please hit the three horizontal bars on the top right to visit any of the other informational pages on this site. **