Presented by The Committee to Elect Clarissa Harrell for County Court Judge
Paid by Clarissa Harrell for County Court Judge - Group 6

Brevard Roots
Clarissa was born at Cape Canaveral Hospital to Mila Elementary school teacher Betty Hargrave Brown and Kennedy Space Center engineer Brad Brown. She first lived in Cocoa Beach but spent much of her early childhood in her great-grandparents' orange grove on north Merritt Island. Her parents divorced and her mother moved her and her younger sister to Satellite Beach. Her mom began teaching at Patrick Elementary School on the Air Force Base, where she met Clarissa's former step-dad, an Air Force Master Sergeant. The family moved on and off military bases extensively around the country and overseas before a second divorce, and Clarissa was able to return to Brevard to start high school.
Clarissa's maternal grandparents were longtime residents of Cocoa; her grandfather was the Rector of St. Mark's in Cocoa Village and a founder of Wuesthoff Hospital.
Clarissa and her husband Gary, an Army Veteran and retired law enforcement officer, have been married 26 years and have reared six children together. The children are all now adults, and three of them still reside in Brevard with their families.

The Harrell children include a former Army Ranger turned law enforcement officer, a high school assistant principal and football coach, an English teacher, an environmental scientist protecting Brevard's natural resources, a recent Army 82nd Airborne Artillery Chief now working on an Engineering degree, and a student who is a young mother.